Thursday, July 26, 2007
Slicing away at our Green Belt
Chingford & Woodford Green Liberal Democrats have learnt with dismay from the relevant Government department (called GO-East) that the Minister will allow Epping Forest District Council to proceed with its planned development on a site only just over the border with Waltham Forest. This is despite the repeated strong representations made by Lib Dem Cllr. John Beanse and the objections of Waltham Forest Council on this matter.
Even though the GO-East letter ACCEPTS that this development is "inappropriate development in the Green Belt" and refers to the "harm" that will be caused, the Minister appears to have decided that the housing need outweighs these arguments.
The plan will allow 119 dwellings on this site.
Cllr. John Beanse said: "Although of course it can always be argued that there is a need for more housing, this development could open the floodgates for more and more chopping away of the Green Belt in what is overwhelmingly a pleasantly rural area between Chingford and Waltham Abbey. There will be implications for local traffic along what is already often a very busy road and, because of the location, there could also be pressure on Waltham Forest services. This has to be seen as a most regrettable decision."
Monday, July 23, 2007
Fares going off the rails?
New research from the Liberal Democrats reveals that the most expensive train companies in Britain charge more than four times as much per mile as the cheapest. The figures have been released ahead of the announcement of the government's new rail strategy expected today. Research reveals:
· £10 takes you 118 miles on Merseyrail with a standard saver return, but only 27 miles on the Heathrow Express
· Excluding airport shuttle services, the most expensive company is Hull Trains, taking you just 49 miles for £10 on a saver return
· On average, open single fares are twice the price per mile of saver return fares.
There is clearly a huge price disparity between the cheapest and most expensive fares. There should be an urgent inquiry into the cost of unregulated fares, to stop passengers paying even more per mile in the future. How do ministers expect to get people out of their cars and onto public transport when using the railways is so expensive?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Wealth inequalities in Britain
The Liberal Democrats have decided to hold a special debate in the Commons on the "super rich".
The full text of the Liberal Democrat motion is –
That this House
· notes with concern the growing gap in wealth and income inequality since 1997;
· calls for the publication of Office of National Statistics (ONS) wealth inequality data since 2003;
· regrets that the complexities of the tax system allow wealthy individuals to utilise tax loopholes;
· notes with alarm the increasing number of wealthy individuals who are non-domiciled for tax purposes;
· recognises the increasing burden that this places on middle-income families who are disproportionately affected by, in particular, Stamp Duty and Inheritance Tax thresholds, given that these have not been recently re-assessed to reflect large increases in house prices;
· proposes the tax system be amended to ensure that the wealthiest individuals pay their fair share.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Waltham Forest Council meeting
At the full Council meeting on Thursday, 12th.July, councillors unanimously supported a Liberal Democrat motion supporting the rights of the people of Kashmir to self-determination. The motion was passed with additions from the other 2 parties.
Earlier at the same meeting, Cllr.John Beanse (Lib Dem councillor for Hale End & Highams Park ward) asked the Portfolio holder for Health, Adults & Older People what response there had been from the Secretary of State for Health to the Council motion (passed unanimously last November) supporting our local health services and backing the future of Whipps Cross Hospital.
Cllr.Liz Phillips (Lib Dem) confirmed that, although the letter had been sent twice, there had been no response at all. John Beanse said it was a disgrace that there had been no reply and that it was important that this fact should be in the public domain.
He briefly outlined the current situation locally and requested that, as there is now a new Secretary of State for Health, the letter should be re-sent, perhaps with a covering letter, stressing there had been no reply and emphasising local concerns. Liz Phillips agreed to do this.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
It's NO to Tesco
Brown says NO to Lib Dem proposals
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Chingford Festival
As shown in the photo, there were many visitors and a brisk trade at the Chingford & Woodford Green Liberal Democrats' stall under its bright orange gazebo. There was a raffle and a wide variety of items was available on the sales tables.
Reform urgently needed !
The Liberal Democrats’ programme of reform includes:
· Drawing up a written constitution setting out individual rights and limiting the power of the state, through a constitutional convention involving not just parties but also members of the public.
· Replacing the House of Lords with a wholly or predominantly elected upper house, with all its members elected by a fair voting system.
· Implementing a fair voting system for the Commons and Local Government in England and Wales.
· Legislating for fixed parliamentary terms.
· Giving Select Committees much more powers in pre- and post-legislative scrutiny, and greater involvement in review of departmental responsibilities and priorities.
· Introducing limits on party funding and party spending.
· Transferring all the powers of ‘Royal Prerogative’ to Parliament not just the current war-making power of the Prime Minister.