Monday, April 04, 2005
John Beanse, Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate in Chingford & Woodford Green, has been a persistent critic of Government policy on IRAQ (see also photo of vigil below).
It has been accepted officially that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.
Many people feel they were misled by the Labour government in the lead-up to war. There have been calls for Tony Blair to give a proper apology.
But who was it that was urging this country to go to war – long before any dossier, dodgy or otherwise?
Who said --- ?:
“Those who seek evidence in support of military action will find there is plenty of it” and
“Anybody who believes that Iraq lacks the ability to strike or denies that this capability is growing is deliberately ignoring the evidence”
These were the words of local MP, Iain Duncan Smith, then Leader of the Opposition.
The present leader, Michael Howard, has talked a lot about his new buzz-word “accountability”; so will a Tory leader, past or present, now accept responsibility on this issue and apologise to the British people?