Friday, September 30, 2005
Unable to locate it in any phone directory (Waltham Forest Phone Book, Yellow Pages, Thomson, etc), he contacted Directory Enquiries (118-500). After making the request for the PCT phone number, he took part in a rather surreal conversation:
- “There isn’t actually a Primary Care Trust in Waltham Forest”
- “Oh yes, there is!”
(John Beanse commented later: “As the last Chairman of the now sadly defunct Community Health Council, I really ought to know!”) It proved impossible to find a phone number and John Beanse was asked to hold the line to be put through to a Manager – who could not find any number either.
-----Eventually, the number was obtained by phoning a local Health Centre.
* For your information, the PCT number is 020 8928 2300.
He also acquired the number of the PCT Communications department and was assured there that the PCT number IS in Yellow Pages and the Thomson Directory.
John Beanse said “Up to now I have still not managed to find it in either – although it may be there somewhere!” The Communications dept. said they would follow up the matter.
One further comment: “The Waltham Forest Primary CareTrust has been up and running for a few years now. It really ought to be possible for members of the public to find the phone number without difficulties. Perhaps PCT should stand for Phone Call Trouble.”