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Monday, October 17, 2005




The Liberal Democrat FOCUS Team in Hale End & Highams Park has backed up its representations about the Regal’s application for late night opening (including for opening hours through the night on some days) by collecting & submitting a FOCUS petition of over 50 signatures from residents in the area most affected.
Some houses are particularly close to the entrance in BEECH HALL ROAD and residents are concerned about even more possible disturbance from late night - and all-night - comings & goings.There is strong local feeling on this issue and local residents have already sent in a petition of over 500 names, protesting about the plans.
We still await the announcement of the date when this issue is to be decided by the Council’s Licensing Panel. PROMOTING FAMILY VALUES?

An aim of the Licensing Act 2003 apparently was to “promote cultural activity and family friendly environment”. Would the Regal extended hours application do this in Highams Park?

I appreciate that some people may be upset and are concerned about the proposed application for a late licence at the Regal Social Club and I admire the actions that you are taking in an attempt to stop this going ahead.

However, I also consider that Highams Park has more pressing issues at hand. One of the issues that I think causes most concern is the number of youths hanging around in large groups. These youths can be quite intimaditing and I have no doubt that at least some (however small the minority) are responsible for the anti-social behaviour which is bringing the area down. Litter, graffiti, loutish behaviour, muggings are all making Highams Park more of a 'ghetto' than a pleasant place to live like it used to be.

Surely some action can be taken to prevent this behaviour, or at least get these youths off of the streets. I am aware that certain parts of the borough already have curfews, could this not also be exercised here.

Finally on the subject of licensing, could you not focus your attention on the multitude of 'Off -Licences' that have appeared in the area in recent years and are no doubt further compounding this anti-social behaviour problem by selling alcohol to minors.
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