Monday, March 06, 2006
Local Lib.Dems. at Harrogate
John Beanse spoke at the session on "Regenerating our Communities" and stressed that there were many important aspects to this - the quality of buildings and the shops available in the shopping parades, yes, but many other issues, such as:
school places; recreation facilities; open, green spaces; combatting graffiti and vandalism; preserving heritage; integrated public transport services (including ease of getting to the local hospital for instance!); availability of doctors and dentists, etc, etc.
There was a lively debate at this lengthy session.
John Beanse said: "The Conference was so well attended that there was standing room only at 3 of the 6 fringe events I attended - and at another, I could not even get through the door. There was a positive mood of determination and optimism for the future."