Friday, September 21, 2007
Lib Dem Leader Sir Menzies Campbell MP - Conference speech
The cosy Labour/Tory consensus
In his speech to the Liberal Democrat conference, Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell MP highlighted how on so many of the major political issues there is a two-party consensus between Labour and Conservatives – comfortable, cosy and complacent. On the environment, taxes, pensions, nuclear power, tuition fees, Iraq.
Meanwhile, Gordon Brown hasn’t taken the tough decisions to tackle climate change, he hasn’t scrapped ID cards, he hasn’t brought the troops home from Iraq.
As Chancellor over the last ten years with unparalleled influence over government, he has to take responsibility for the Government’s policy mistakes on issues such as: Iraq, civil liberties, the environment, nuclear power, council tax, and student fees.
The full speech is on the Liberal Democrat website, and you can comment on it on
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