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Thursday, November 30, 2006


Blogspot Editor's Profile

Educated at local schools; apart from time studying or travelling & working abroad, I have lived locally in the constituency all my life. I studied Modern Languages at Cambridge and trained to be a teacher at Goldsmiths' College, London. During my teaching career I taught in comprehensive schools in Redbridge and Herts. At various times Head of House, Head of Sixth Form, Head of Modern Languages. Now a Modern Languages Examiner, I also give many Travel Talks to various groups and, in addition, I am an Accredited Speaker for the Electoral Reform Society. I was the last Chairman of the local Community Health Council and am a governor of 2 local schools. I am a Committee member of Help on Call (Chingford Christian Care).
I became an active Liberal in 1974. I am currently the Chairman of Chingford & Woodford Green Liberal Democrats. I have personally edited around 200 local leaflets, some constituency-wide and others editions of FOCUS both in Hale End & Highams Park and in North Chingford. In May, 2006, I was elected to Waltham Forest Council in Hale End & Highams Park ward - one of 3 gains in that ward from the Conservatives. I am Vice-Chair of the Council's Overview & Scrutiny sub-committee on Health, Adults and Older People and serve also on several other committees. On many occasions I have spoken at Party Conferences and have had a good number of letters published in the local and national press. I have spoken on Radio 4 & Radio 5 Live, on Carlton TV and also "live" on BBC TV (televised speeches from Conference).

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Lib Dem Annual General Meeting

"A very successful year"
The Annual General Meeting of Chingford & Woodford Green Liberal Democrats was held on Friday, 24th November from 8pm at North Chingford Methodist Church, Station Road, E4.
In his Chairman’s Report, Cllr.John Beanse looked back on a very successful year and thanked all who had contributed in any way. The 3 Council seats in Church End ward on the Redbridge side of the constituency had been held comfortably. In Waltham Forest there had been a dramatic and historic breakthrough with the three seats gained in Hale End & Highams Park ward.
John reflected on the work of the Council, referring particularly to the importance of Health Scrutiny at a critical time for the NHS, and spoke positively of the successful drive to push up recycling rates in the borough.
He reported that the local NHS campaign had already netted over 1000 signatures for the Lib Dem petition protesting at local NHS cut-backs and defending Whipps Cross Hospital. John also detailed the success of the Special Council meeting on Whipps Cross where it was the Lib Dem motion – with 2 additions from the other parties – that had been passed unanimously.
There were other reports, including one from Geoff Seeff and John Beanse on Lib Dem Conferences attended by delegates. The Autumn Conference in Brighton had been particularly successful for the local party, with part of Geoff Seeff’s speech on the Lebanon carried in the national media and John’s speech on taxes featuring on BBC TV’s “Newsnight” with Jeremy Paxman. In addition, John had instigated and introduced a special “Urgent Issue” debate on “The NHS in Crisis”.
A though-provoking speech from the Guest Speaker Cllr. Farooq Qureshi, Forest ward Councillor and current Lib Dem Mayor of Waltham Forest, was very well received by members and led to an interesting discussion.
The elections of Officers, Committee members, etc for 2007 included the following decisions:
President: Maureen Hoskins; Chair: Cllr.John Beanse; Vice-Chairs: Geoff Seeff and Afzal Malik; Secretary: Joan Carder; Treasurer: Cllr.Hugh Cleaver.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Local press reports on NHS

Extracts from recent Waltham Forest Guardian reports re Whipps Cross Hospital, etc (Reporter:David Williams)
Council puts its weight behind Save Whipps campaign
The campaign to save Whipps Cross University Hospital has been backed unanimously by councillors.An emergency meeting of Waltham Forest Council was called on Monday to discuss the issue, and a motion was passed calling for the range of services currently available in the borough to be maintained. The council will now take its concerns to Patricia Hewitt, the Secretary of State for Health, who will make the final decision on the Fit for the Future programme of restructuring health provision in north east London. Proposing the motion was Cllr John Beanse, vice chairman of the council's health scrutiny committee.
He criticised Fit for the Future for taking decisions without involving the public, and questioned the idea of transferring services to the community when the Primary Care Trust (PCT) is making cuts to meet its own deficit. Mr Beanse said: "The PCT has said it might be necessary to travel to North Middlesex, or Homerton, or Royal London, or University College Hospital near Warren Street. But that is not what the people want. We hear a lot about patient choice, but the PCT has to grasp this fact - people want to have services locally at Whipps Cross. They do not need the choice of going to the Royal London Hospital." He called for the health body to become a PCT for the people of Waltham Forest, adding: "If we are serious about patient choice, listen to what people want." Another motion proposed by the council's Conservative group was defeated amid criticism that it was too party political.
No decision yet on options for discussion
NO decision has yet been made on which of the five possible options for the future of local healthcare will go to public consultation. A series of "stakeholder" meetings is being held to assess which three of the five will be put out to the public for consultation in the new year. Each option is being scored against criteria including the quality of care offered, accessibility, and financial implications, and only two retain Whipps Cross as a full district general hospital. Assessing them are a group of 61 representatives from organisations around north east London. Most are from Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and hospital trusts covering Waltham Forest, Havering, Barking and Dagenham and Redbridge. The third stakeholder meeting, held at West Ham United FC last Thursday, was the first to include elected representatives. Among those present was Waltham Forest Cllr John Beanse. He expressed reservations about the scoring system, and information available to those giving the grades. Mr Beanse is also concerned that patients and residents are inadequately represented and more should be done to include their views at this pre-consultation stage. A fourth meeting, aiming to complete the scoring process, will be held on November 29.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Over a thousand !

NHS Petition growing all the time !
The NHS petition organised by Chingford and Woodford Green Liberal Democrats is growing all the time and has now passed the one thousand mark. It is made up of successful recent street petitions at Chingford Mount and N.Chingford (Station Road) plus petition-slips from various FOCUS leaflets where people have the opportunity to add their own comments if they wish. The campaign to "save Whipps Cross" and other local health services from damaging cuts has created a swell of strong opinion that we have to stand up and defend our NHS.


London Lib Dem Conference

Chingford & Woodford Green Liberal Democrats were well represented at the London Liberal Democrat Conference on Sat.18th. November. Delegates included Geoff Seeff (local Vice-Chair), Maureen Hoskins (President), Cllr.Richard Hoskins and Cllr.John Beanse (Chair). As well as debates on Climate Change and Home Affairs, the programme included a speech from Cllr.Irfan Mustafa whose recent victory in the Clementswood by-election in Redbridge took the Liberal Democrats from fourth to first place.


Newly elected Redbridge councillor Irfan Mustafa (left) with Redbridge councillors Farrukh Islam (centre) and Richard Hoskins (right), celebrating the recent dramatic victory in the Clementswood by-election in Ilford.
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Friday, November 17, 2006


Lib Dem Broadcast

Friday evening's BBC and ITV Liberal Democrat TV broadcast (BBC1 18.55; BBC2 17.55; ITV 18.55 [17.11.06.]), which is about how the Lib Dems offer a real, substantive alternative to the spin of David Cameron and the failings of Gordon Brown, can be watched by clicking on: http://click.cminteractive.com/?OYJrIYEO=1084464

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Reaction to Queen's Speech

Lib Dem Leader Sir Menzies Campbell MP accused the Government of 'statutory addiction' and commented that this Queen's Speech was 'remarkably similar to those which have gone before' -
"After nearly ten years in office the government and the Prime Minister are still chasing the same elusive goals and the same elusive headlines.
This is a rush from judgement towards legislation. The government suffers from a statutory addiction.
This is a Prime Minister trying to legislate his way into history.
Before the Prime Minister was elected, he told us that his priority was education, education, education. Since he was elected his priority has proved to be legislation, legislation, legislation."

Tuesday, November 14, 2006



The campaign to SAVE WHIPPS CROSS gained a head of steam when all 3 parties supported the Lib Dem Council motion with 2 additions (see report)
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WF Council backs Whipps Cross

At the end of Monday's Special Council Meeting to debate Whipps Cross, councillors voted unanimously to support the Liberal Democrat motion which had been moved by Cllr.John Beanse and seconded by Cllr. Sheila Smith-Pryor. Two amendments which added to the motion were accepted, one from the Conservatives seeking a cross party meeting with the Secretary of State; the other from Labour pledging to campaign for "a modern general hospital" on the Whipps Cross site.
A Conservative motion was debated first which was opposed by Labour, while the Lib Dems abstained. John Beanse had pointed out two flaws: firstly, it was overtly party-political at a time when all 3 parties needed to speak with one voice and secondly, one paragraph did not give an accurate picture of the current "Fit for the Future" discussions.
Four speakers spoke at the start of the meeting in support of Whipps Cross and there was a high attendance in the public gallery. Speaker after speaker in the main debate backed the call to defend Whipps Cross and our local health services. The Lib Dem motion was as follows:
"Waltham Forest Council notes with alarm that, despite the extra money that has undoubdtedly been put into the NHS over recent years, many Trusts, including our own local NHS Trusts, are currently under severe financial pressure or even in crisis, being forced to close wards and operating theatres and make staff redundant. In the longer term there is a real prospect of a seriously diminished range of services being available at Whipps Cross. This Council is committed to maintaintaing the quality of services available locally for the people of this borough.
Waltham Forest Council calls on the Government as a matter of urgency
- to ensure that Trusts put sufficient money into maintaining frontline services
- and even to provide extra funding where necessary so that such regressive measures can be reversed and there is no damaging impact on local services.
We request that the Chief Executive inform the Secretary of State for Health of our comments, requesting a positive response, and that the three MPs should also be informed of our concerns."

Friday, November 10, 2006


Lib Dem victory in Redbridge!

The Liberal Democrats gained another seat on Redbridge Council (now 10 Lib Dems) in a stunning victory yesterday - Nov.9th. - in the Clementswood by-election. The Lib Dems jumped from fourth to first and gained what had always been seen as a "safe" Labour seat. Several local Liberal Democrats had gone over to help in the successful campaign over recent weeks. The result:
Clementswood Ward By-Election
Aylen, Dennis John The Conservative Party 377
Brown, Ben Thomas Independent 65
Mustafa, Irfan Liberal Democrats 904 elected
Rana, Kashif British Public Party 48

Randall, Timothy Simon The Green Party 49
Santos, Mark Anthony The Labour Party 715
Final result = Liberal Democrats elected

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Improving our democracy

The Liberal Democrats have published their proposals to create a democratically accountable upper house, which better reflects the views of the British people. With no party having a clear majority in the Lords, the Liberal Democrats will have a crucial role in any negotiations. Key proposals include:
· Reduce the number of seats in the upper house and hold elections by thirds every four years
· Rename the second chamber the Senate by 2011 with all hereditary peers leaving by that date
· Allow both houses to amend secondary legislation, scrutinise European legislation and to approve treaties
Waltham Forest Councillor John Beanse who is the current Chairman of Chingford & Woodford Green Liberal Democrats commented: "As well as bringing our second chamber into the 21st. century, we have an urgent need in this country to bring the House of Commons up to date by modernising its sometimes antiquated procedures and, above all, by introducing A FAIRER VOTING SYSTEM which accurately reflects in Parliament the balance of opinion in Britain."

Friday, November 03, 2006


NHS Campaign Update

Chingford & Woodford Green Liberal Democrats are stepping up the campaign to "Save Whipps Cross and our local health services" with "Health Special" editions of FOCUS, the local newsletter. These will be delivered to thousands of homes in Chingford & Woodford Green over the coming weeks. Petition-slips are included in all editions: one for the Chief Executive of Waltham Forest Primary Care Trust and the other for the Secretary of State for Health, Patricia Hewitt MP.
The petition-slips say:
I/We, the undersigned, wish to protest strongly about the serious cutbacks in local health services, including and particularly at Whipps Cross Hospital. I/We urge you to ensure that local frontline services are maintained for the people of Waltham Forest

There is space for people to write their own comments.
Cllr. John Beanse, Lib Dem Councillor for Hale End & Highams Park, who is Vice-Chair of Health Scrutiny on Waltham Forest Council and was the last Chair of W.Forest Community Health Council before abolition, said:
"We are stepping up a gear. There is a lot of concern - and anger - amongst local people about what is happening and about what the future might hold for our local health services. It is important that the Minister and the Primary Care Trust understand that, as far as so-called "Patient Choice" is concerned, we choose to maintain Whipps Cross as a fully functioning district general hospital with all the necessary facilities."

Cllr. John Beanse was one of several speakers, including health professionals and the borough's 3 MPs, at the protest meeting held on Thursday, 2nd. November at Al Badr Hall, Lea Bridge Road. As at the Hawkey Hall the previous week, there was strong feeling and determination expressed about saving Whipps Cross for the people of Waltham Forest.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Success for local campaigns !

The recycling campaigns by the Council and also by local Liberal Democrats in Waltham Forest are already bringing encouraging results. Recycling rates and tonnage in the borough are UP. No doubt we can still do better, but this is GOOD NEWS !

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