Thursday, November 30, 2006
Blogspot Editor's Profile
I became an active Liberal in 1974. I am currently the Chairman of Chingford & Woodford Green Liberal Democrats. I have personally edited around 200 local leaflets, some constituency-wide and others editions of FOCUS both in Hale End & Highams Park and in North Chingford. In May, 2006, I was elected to Waltham Forest Council in Hale End & Highams Park ward - one of 3 gains in that ward from the Conservatives. I am Vice-Chair of the Council's Overview & Scrutiny sub-committee on Health, Adults and Older People and serve also on several other committees. On many occasions I have spoken at Party Conferences and have had a good number of letters published in the local and national press. I have spoken on Radio 4 & Radio 5 Live, on Carlton TV and also "live" on BBC TV (televised speeches from Conference).