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Monday, December 11, 2006


Beating crime

DID YOU KNOW - - - ?
- the cost of jailing someone for one year is about the same as the cost of employing a full time police officer for a year.
Waltham Forest councillor John Beanse commented: "We need to increase the effectiveness of the police so that criminals have a greater fear of being caught. We also need to look at effective rehabilitation of prisoners once they are caught and sentenced to prison. A priority must be to cut the crime rate amongst released prisoners. If we can do that - then we can stop people becoming victims of crime. The fact is that re-offending rates for people released from prison are alarmingly high. Just under six in ten of the prisoners released in 2003 were caught committing at least one offence in the subsequent two years. Amongst those who stole from vehicles, the re-offending rate was just under nine in ten. Clearly prison isn't working for such offenders - which is why we need to make it work."

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