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Monday, April 30, 2007


NHS Consultation Delay

The long-awaited consultation on the so-called "Fit for the Future" options - all of which seem to point to some downgrading or reduction in local hospital services - has been delayed yet again. It now appears that the consultation will not occur before OCTOBER. In the meantime, there will be further reviews and calculations. The consultation on the future of our Mental Health Services, managed by the North East London Mental Health Trust (NELMHT), is however likely to happen before October.
Cllr. John Beanse, who is Vice-Chair of Health Scrutiny in Waltham Forest, commented: "This uncertainty is most unsatisfactory, both for patients and for our local health services, particularly WHIPPS CROSS Hospital. The whole "Fit for the Future" exercise has seemed flawed in several important respects. When will the voice of the people - already clearly articulated in petition signatures and the protest march and rally - finally be listened to?"

Here, here! Or should that be Hear, Hear! or Ere Ere?
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