Saturday, July 14, 2007
Wealth inequalities in Britain
The Liberal Democrats have decided to hold a special debate in the Commons on the "super rich".
The full text of the Liberal Democrat motion is –
That this House
· notes with concern the growing gap in wealth and income inequality since 1997;
· calls for the publication of Office of National Statistics (ONS) wealth inequality data since 2003;
· regrets that the complexities of the tax system allow wealthy individuals to utilise tax loopholes;
· notes with alarm the increasing number of wealthy individuals who are non-domiciled for tax purposes;
· recognises the increasing burden that this places on middle-income families who are disproportionately affected by, in particular, Stamp Duty and Inheritance Tax thresholds, given that these have not been recently re-assessed to reflect large increases in house prices;
· proposes the tax system be amended to ensure that the wealthiest individuals pay their fair share.