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Thursday, August 30, 2007


The Iraq issue

Responding to a letter written by Lib Dem leader Menzies Campbell on the current situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, Gordon Brown stressed that British troops would fulfil the “obligations to the government and people of Iraq and the United Nations” and stay in Iraq until Iraqi Security Forces are capable of delivering security across the South. The Prime Minister reiterated his rejection of a pre-determined exit timetable. Commenting on British troop presence in Afghanistan, Gordon Brown wrote: “I do not seek to hide the tough, dangerous and difficult tasks and terrain involved there, but as in Iraq I will strongly defend the integrity, bravery and intelligence with which UK commanders and forces are taking forward the strategy they have developed. […] There is much to do, but progress will be measured across a wide range of activity - covering governance, reconstruction, economic development and the building up of local security forces.” [
Lib Dem Leader Sir Menzies Campbell MP commented: "The Prime Minister's letter simply rehearses the government line and could have been written by his predecessor. But the reality on the ground and the views of senior military figures undermine Mr Brown's analysis. The debate on this issue will not go away, particularly as the American presidential elections will put Iraq at the centre of American politics. It should now be put to the top of Britain's agenda."

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