Saturday, January 12, 2008
London Lib Dem Conference
The day began with a keynote speech by the new party leader, NICK CLEGG MP.
There then followed discussions on many aspects of party policy.
Speaking in one of the discussions in the main hall, Cllr.John Beanse drew attention to some of the shortcomings of local government in England – in particular:
* Too many Government directives
* Too much power exercised by Council officers, rather than elected representatives
* The Cabinet system, which leaves “backbenchers” with inadequate say and influence
* The voting system by which our councils are elected, which distorts the will of the people (Cllr.Beanse quoted the disturbing example of the London Borough of Newham between 1998 and 2002 when there were 60 Labour councillors and NO OPPOSITION).
* The democratic deficit in the Health service where councillors are able to scrutinise and recommend – but may well be ignored
* The inadequate proportion of money spent by councils which can be raised locally – weakening local democracy
Cllr.Beanse stressed the need for the Liberal Democrats to "change the system" to get a better deal for people.