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Thursday, July 17, 2008


New document for discussion

Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg today launched the party’s "Make it Happen" document, which is a statement of the party’s vision and values.
‘Make it Happen’ sets out in clear language the party’s position on important issues such as the economy, taxation and the health service.
It highlights how -
We will cut taxes for ordinary families
If your local hospital can't see you on time, we'll pay for treatment elsewhere
We'll switch taxes from people to pollution - so it pays to go green
To improve standards in education, we'll fund extra help for those who need it most
We'll put Britain at the heart of Europe to make us a force for good in the world
We'll stop ID cards so we can keep control of our privacy
We'll change the voting system so everyone's voice counts
We'll bring communities together with local people in charge
We'll give communities a say in how offenders pay for their crimes
The document will be debated at the party's autumn conference in Bournemouth.

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