Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Liberal Democrats working in Chingford & Woodford Green
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Nick Clegg's speech to Conference
In his keynote conference speech, Nick Clegg presented the Liberal Democrats as the party to deliver social justice and fairness for Britain. Nick’s speech focused on the current economic difficulties, which he described as 'a firestorm', "raging through our financial system, ignited by reckless bankers and fuelled by complacent politicians.” He set out the party’s Fairer Future economic recovery plan (see economy section of this round-up for more).
Nick also:
· Said he wanted to make Britain the first truly green economy in the world
· Spoke of the importance of achieving energy independence within the EU
· Set out his aim of making government ‘people shaped’, with benefits shaped around the needs of people and families, not bureaucrats
· Repeated his commitment to the ‘pupil premium’ to target extra cash at deprived children
· Made clear he is ambitious for the party, repeating his target of doubling the party’s number of MPs
[News article on speech] [Full speech] [Watch speech]
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Good news for Waltham Forest !
The Audit Commission has just announced that Waltham Forest Council has been awarded four stars in the Comprehensive Performance Assessment.
Four stars is the highest rating possible and shows the hard work the Council has done to go from a zero star rated council in 2002 to four stars in 2008.
Waltham Forest is the only council in the country to have gone from zero stars to four stars in six years.
This achievement clearly shows that increasing Lib Dem influence on the Council has been a force for improvement.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Chingford and Wooodford Green Lib Dem Prospective Parliamentary Candidate GEOFF SEEFF makes regular comments on local and national issues on our website.
Click on http://www.cwglibdems.org.uk from time to time for regular updates.