Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Nick Clegg's speech to Conference
In his keynote conference speech, Nick Clegg presented the Liberal Democrats as the party to deliver social justice and fairness for Britain. Nick’s speech focused on the current economic difficulties, which he described as 'a firestorm', "raging through our financial system, ignited by reckless bankers and fuelled by complacent politicians.” He set out the party’s Fairer Future economic recovery plan (see economy section of this round-up for more).
Nick also:
· Said he wanted to make Britain the first truly green economy in the world
· Spoke of the importance of achieving energy independence within the EU
· Set out his aim of making government ‘people shaped’, with benefits shaped around the needs of people and families, not bureaucrats
· Repeated his commitment to the ‘pupil premium’ to target extra cash at deprived children
· Made clear he is ambitious for the party, repeating his target of doubling the party’s number of MPs
[News article on speech] [Full speech] [Watch speech]