Thursday, March 23, 2006
Campaigning in HALE END & HIGHAMS PARK for a cleaner, greener borough: LIBERAL DEMOCRAT candidates (l to r) Noel Penstone; Sheila Smith-Pryor; John Beanse. [Photo taken on the Aldriche Way Estate].
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
An all-day hearing at Waltham Forest Magistrates’ Court saw two Regal Social Club appeals against decisions of the Council’s Licensing Panel dismissed outright, and one other previous condition changed just a bit. The Magistrates decided:
2. Not to agree admittance beyond 2.00am of Club customers
3. To require Club management to attend quarterly meetings arranged by the Residents’ Association and Highams Park Forum (instead of the Regal making the arrangements) - in order to hear any residents’ concerns
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Local Lib.Dems. at Harrogate
John Beanse spoke at the session on "Regenerating our Communities" and stressed that there were many important aspects to this - the quality of buildings and the shops available in the shopping parades, yes, but many other issues, such as:
school places; recreation facilities; open, green spaces; combatting graffiti and vandalism; preserving heritage; integrated public transport services (including ease of getting to the local hospital for instance!); availability of doctors and dentists, etc, etc.
There was a lively debate at this lengthy session.
John Beanse said: "The Conference was so well attended that there was standing room only at 3 of the 6 fringe events I attended - and at another, I could not even get through the door. There was a positive mood of determination and optimism for the future."
Friday, March 03, 2006
Sir Menzies Campbell MP has been elected in a ballot of party members to be the new Leader of the Liberal Democrats
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