Thursday, July 24, 2008
New websites !
To visit one of the websites, click below where appropriate:
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Highams Park Day
Cllr. Sheila Smith-Pryor, Mayor of Waltham Forest, opening the very first "Highams Park Day" on Sat.19th.July, held in her own ward.
This new venture was organised by the Highams Park Society and was held on the green opposite the Vincent Road flats. It is hoped it will become an annual event.
Congratulations to all involved!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tesco - YES or NO ?!
A Tesco store at Highams Park could look like this (picture supplied by Tesco).
We are interested to hear your views. You can click on comments below or write to us (see above).
Also see report under July, 2008 Archives.
New document for discussion
‘Make it Happen’ sets out in clear language the party’s position on important issues such as the economy, taxation and the health service.
It highlights how -
We will cut taxes for ordinary families
If your local hospital can't see you on time, we'll pay for treatment elsewhere
We'll switch taxes from people to pollution - so it pays to go green
To improve standards in education, we'll fund extra help for those who need it most
We'll put Britain at the heart of Europe to make us a force for good in the world
We'll stop ID cards so we can keep control of our privacy
We'll change the voting system so everyone's voice counts
We'll bring communities together with local people in charge
We'll give communities a say in how offenders pay for their crimes
The document will be debated at the party's autumn conference in Bournemouth.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Your good health!
Some years ago we had one large Health Authority and a smaller Trust (Forest Healthcare) - based at Whipps Cross - delivering our services.
Then it was decided by Government to "end the purchaser/provider split".
So (about 10 years ago) the new pattern locally gradually evolved into:
a Primary Care Trust, delivering and commissioning services; a separate hospital Trust specifically for the delivery of services at Whipps Cross; a Mental Health Trust for delivering Mental Health services across 4 boroughs.
Now it has been decided to separate the delivery and commissioning of services again!
The Primary Care Trust will take on a commissioning role, and all services, other than at Whipps Cross and Mental Health, will be delivered by an "Arms Length Management Organisation" (yet to be decided upon and set up) which might work across 4 or more boroughs.
So instead of the former LARGE Health Authority years ago commissioning, and a smaller Trust delivering, we shall end up with a LARGE organisation delivering and a smaller Trust commissioning ! (Whipps Cross and the Mental Health Trust (becoming a Foundation Trust) will continue with their present functions).
Cllr. John Beanse, Vice-Chair of Waltham Forest Health Scrutiny, said:
"Will there ever be any end to reorganisation and restructuring in the Health Service - and will there ever be a proper focus on the experience and VOICE of the patient?"
Saturday, July 05, 2008
"Highams Green"?
Tesco have drawn up fresh proposals for a big store in Highams Park (off Larkshall Road). The suggested development is to be known as "Highams Green".
(Photo: Tesco near Charlie Brown's roundabout, Woodford).
Included in the plans:
* a supermarket (same size as in the last application) with 350 covered parking spaces under the store [which would be on the first storey]
* 50 terraced houses
* 260 new homes in 4-storey blocks of flats
* Highams Green - new public green space
* 7 independent shops
* community space - e.g. a hall?
* office space
* business starter units and workshops
We now need to see whether these proposals receive general approval or opposition.
All views welcome. See top of page for how to contact us!